Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio | International Society of Medieval
Canon Law
Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio (ICMAC), or the International Society
of Medieval Canon Law, was founded in 1988 in order to foster and support the study
of medieval canon law from the time of the early Church to the later middle ages.
ICMAC is a truly international community with members in the United States, Canada,
Europe, Russia, Argentina and Japan.
ICMAC’s members are committed to the notion that the study of medieval canon law
illuminates many important areas of church history, legal history, social and cultural
history, and intellectual history. Because of the special challenges scholars face
in working with materials that are usually untranslated, that require expertise
in technicalities of law, and that are often available only in medieval manuscripts,
this society exists to bring scholars and students of medieval canon law together,
in order to share their knowledge, to keep them apprised of important information
and events, and to encourage them in their research efforts. In cooperation with
the Stephan Kuttner Institute for Medieval Canon Law, ICMAC looks to create an environment
of research and instruction for scholars and students alike who wish to approach
canon law for enhancing their understanding of the past and the present.
ICMAC’s principal task is the organization of the International Congress of Medieval
Canon Law. These Congresses, which began in Louvain in 1958 and have been held every
four years since 1968, alternatively take place in North America and in Europe.
Each Congress produces a lengthy volume of the Proceedings that are published in
the Monumenta Iuris Canonici series. The
Fourteenth Congress will be held 5-11 August 2012, at Saint Michael's
College in the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
On behalf of the ICMAC Board, I first of all invite you to join our Society, details
about which can be found on this site. I would also like to invite you to consult
this website for notices of conferences, symposia, grants and bursaries, publications,
as well as issues of the electronic publication Novellae: News of Medieval Canon
Law produced by Anders Winroth. We intend to create a members’ forum on this website where individuals can
post announcements about events and current research, seek information and discuss
scholarly questions. In the meanwhile, please feel free to contact the Officers
or Advisory Board members (whose areas of expertise are given on the Officers page)
with queries or suggestions. We can respond to questions in English, German, French,
Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and even Japanese.
Kate Cushing
President, ICMAC
February 2010